The Epsilon team was pleased to attend the latest Advancing Prefabrication conference this spring in Phoenix, Arizona. For 2023, the consistent theme we heard was Moving from Projects to Products. We heard it in the keynote address, and then echoes of that thought throughout various sessions over the three-day event.
As an Off-Site Construction (OSC) manufacturer, this concept is intriguing. Because of the complex nature of modular mechanical systems, we generally don’t think of them as products. However, here are some considerations that support the vantage of products over projects:
Integrated Systems Design. Moving from projects to products requires teams to think about what they’re designing and building as integrated systems, versus fitting them into traditional buckets (M vs. E vs. S vs. etc.). For example, a modular prefabricated Central Utility Plant (CUP) might sound like a “mechanical box”, but it’s actually a complex multi-trade system comprised of mechanical, electrical, structural, automation and life-safety elements. As such, it can’t be handled simply by a mechanical contractor – it requires an integrated systems approach to successfully create the final product.
Contracts. Project contracts are complex and detailed, documenting who is working for whom, and when, and other considerations beyond the actual finished “product”. A product-based approach requires breaking that traditional contract mold. Rather than expecting the traditional design teams to design for modular prefabrication, the product approach suggests we consider bringing subject matter experts into the fold early to engage their expertise as a partner.
Skills and timing. Projects are traditionally managed by applying the right skills and materials at the optimum point along the traditional timeline. A product-focused approach requires rethinking when and where particular skillsets are needed. This creates exciting career opportunities for professionals to shift vertically throughout the industry. For example, traditional designers could find opportunities to apply their experience in the prefabrication business, and skilled tradespeople may find themselves working inside climate-controlled environments at a central location, instead of constantly traveling to various job sites.
We always enjoy attending the Advancing Prefabrication Conference because of the information sharing and willingness by all to challenge traditional construction industry norms. This year the project-to-product evolution was refreshing for the Epsilon attendees, in part because it reinforces the inherent benefits of Off-Site Construction methodologies.